A new Project validated the use of ALVIM Biofilm Sensors in hotels


Although water consumption in the tourism sector accounts for 1% of global consumption, tourism is often a significant consumer of fresh water in areas where it is a scarce resource and aquifer renewal rates are limited. A tourist can consume between 300 and 800 liters a day according to data from the National Institute of Statistics. While the national average expenditure is set at around 132 liters per person/day. Under this context, the SMARTH2OTEL project was born, which aims to study digital and innovative solutions for the efficient and sustainable management of the water cycle of tourist establishments, also considering the energy component. It is a first phase of a project of a total of three phases with tests at laboratory level in this first and with subsequent phases of developing solutions to be implemented in tourist establishments.

The project will also contribute to promoting the circular economy based on the reuse and recovery of water and the recovery or generation of renewable energy.

These solutions aim to:

  • Guarantee water quality, especially in aspects related to human health such as legionella control.
  • Minimize the environmental impact of waste water treatment and promote innovative solutions that guarantee reuse.
  • Generate energy from the purification process and other renewable sources.
  • Integrate digital solutions for optimal decision-making on the subsystems and the entire water cycle of a tourist infrastructure.
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