"The ALVIM biofilm sensor helps us to monitor both the distribution and the effectiveness of sanitation treatments. We have discovered things we didn't know about our process"
Quality Manager of a Beverage Company
  "Even the technical staff who doesn't know anything about bacteria has been able to apply this biofilm detection system with good results, after a short period of use"
Water Treatment Expert
"Results indicate that ALVIM probes enable to detect the biofilm growth in the early stages. The biofilm monitoring will aim to better control biocide injection and reduce operational costs"
TOTAL E&P - Nicolas Lesage, Eric Tournis, Thibaut Carron-Cabaret, Lucas Juven, Simon Vecten, Pierre Pedenaud. Oral communication at Desalination for the Environment: Clean Water and Energy 2016 (Rome, Italy)
  "Benefits of ALVIM technology:
· Optimize biocide injection and minimize the biofilm growth
· Compare biocide treatments : chemicals, protocols, mode of injection
· Reduce the number of chemical cleanings and the quantity of biocide used
· Detect early upset information such as injection failure, chemical issue
· Adapt chemical treatment to variation of the operating conditions

TOTAL Staff. Oral communication SPE-174562-MS, SPE Symposium on Water Handling and Management 2015 (Galveston, TX)
"Thanks to ALVIM Biofilm Sensor, the duration of chlorination needed to get a non-fouled system was divided by 6. It means that the energy demand is as well divided by 6"
Laurent Delauney, Ifremer
  "PH Water Technologies have utilised Chlorine Dioxide along side Alvim Biofilm sensors in large data center cooling towers to great effect"
Paul Gueran, Head of Water Treatment Equipment Division - ph Water & Air Technologies Ltd.
"Having compared lots of various measuring devices available on the market, we decided for ALVIM. We were also able to prove if we add our compounds to e.g. backflow water at low ppms after, there will be absolutely no buildup of biofilms and therefore no deposit growth. "
Oswald Brandstetter, Managing partner IDEPS GmbH



Among the users of ALVIM Biofilm Monitoring System:


TOTAL biofilm monitoring ALVIM

ENGIE SUEZ biofilm monitoring ALVIM

EP Produzione - EPH power production biofilm monitoring ALVIM


DCNS - NAVAL GROUP biofilm monitoring ALVIM


MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology biofilm monitoring ALVIM

Ifremer biofilm monitoring ALVIM

CTM - Centre Tecnologic de Manresa biofilm monitoring ALVIM

DANONE biofilm monitoring ALVIM

Bepensa soft drink bottling biofilm monitoring ALVIM

Cetaqua Water Technology Centre uses ALVIM Biofilm Monitoring Sensor in water distribution networks

SAN BENEDETTO mineral water biofilm monitoring ALVIM

NORDA mineral water biofilm monitoring ALVIM

Aigues Sabadell water distribution network biofilm monitoring ALVIM

SEM mineral water biofilm monitoring ALVIM

Caseificio Sociale Ponte di Barbarano dairy biofilm monitoring ALVIM

LUCART paper mill biofilm monitoring ALVIM

Richter ECOS biofilm monitoring ALVIM

CHIMICA D AGOSTINO biofilm monitoring ALVIM

BORMAN biofilm monitoring ALVIM


FISIA reverse osmosis desalination biofilm monitoring ALVIM


GRUPO HOTUSA biofilm monitoring ALVIM


HESPERIA biofilm monitoring ALVIM



If you are interested in ALVIM application cases, check out the full list here.


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